- Added confirmation to close application
- Resolved an issue preventing RDP credentials from updating
- Trial activation now works without requiring an application restart
- Changed Script Library Icons
- Changed Package Management Interface
- Changed Credentials Store Icons and Order
- Adjusted Credentials Store CSV Import
- Adjusted Automation etc. to fit new Packages Interface
- Adjusted Automation etc. to fit new Credentials Store Interface
- Adjusted Remote Desktop Buttons
- Adjusted Error Capture design in Logs Tab
- Automation was redesigned to fix a bug where the application would crash
- Greatly improved performance while running multiple concurrent automation
- Statistics are now integrated in Logs Tab and can be manually updated to reflect current logs
- New Feature: Resume failed jobs. When a script failed the current worker will pause its workload to give time for debugging and the ability to continue at fail point
- New Feature: Notifications. Set up email notifications by using your SMTP server and enable notifications relevant to you.
- Bug fixed: Editing schedule while job assigned causing crash
- Bug fixed: Credentials Store loosing pointer causing crash if application is opened over 24h
- Bug fixed: Logging would cause delay / freezes GUI
- Bug fixed: Unable to add jobs on the fly while multiple jobs are scheduled for automation in some cases causing crash
- Bug fixed: Error Capture would not update failed captures unless app was restarted
Microsoft Store