Efficient File and Folder Permissions Management with PowerShell

Welcome to our PowerShell script section! In this post, we will share a script that simplifies the management of file and folder permissions. Properly managing permissions is crucial for maintaining security and ensuring that users have the appropriate access to the resources they need.
Utilizing this script alongside our software ServerEngine, available at https://serverengine.co, can enhance your ability to oversee permissions effectively. Below is a sample PowerShell script that checks and updates permissions for a specified folder:

# Specify the folder path
$folderPath = "C:PathToYourFolder"
# Define the user and their access rights
$user = "DOMAINUserName"
$accessRights = "ReadAndExecute"
# Get the current ACL of the folder
$acl = Get-Acl -Path $folderPath
# Check if the user already has access
$existingRule = $acl.Access | Where-Object { $_.IdentityReference -eq $user }
if ($existingRule) {
    Write-Host "$user already has access with rights: $($existingRule.FileSystemRights)"
} else {
    # Create a new access rule
    $accessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($user, $accessRights, "Allow")
    # Apply the new access rule
    Set-Acl -Path $folderPath -AclObject $acl
    Write-Host "Permissions for $user have been added to $folderPath."