Managing file and folder permissions in OneDrive is crucial for maintaining data security and ensuring that users have appropriate access rights. This PowerShell script automates the process of checking permissions for files and folders within a specific OneDrive account. It enables administrators to quickly assess access rights without the need for manual inspection.
This script will:
1. Connect to the OneDrive service via Microsoft Graph.
2. Retrieve the current permissions for specified files and folders.
3. Output the permissions for easy auditing.
By implementing this script, IT administrators can efficiently oversee and manage permissions in OneDrive, ensuring compliance and security within their organization.
# Install the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module if it is not already installed if (-Not (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Microsoft.Graph)) { Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph -Scope CurrentUser -AllowClobber } # Connect to Microsoft Graph Connect-MgGraph -Scopes 'Files.Read.All', 'Sites.Read.All' # Define the OneDrive site and folder path $siteId = "your-tenant-id" # Replace with your tenant id $driveId = "your-drive-id" # Replace with the specific drive id $filePath = "path/to/your/file/or/folder" # Specify the file or folder path # Retrieve item permissions $item = Get-MgDriveItem -DriveId $driveId -ItemId $filePath -Select "id,name,permissions" # Output the permissions Write-Host "=== Permissions for $($item.Name) ===" foreach ($permission in $item.Permissions) { Write-Host "Role: $($permission.Roles) - Granted To: $($permission.GrantedTo.SendAs)" } # Disconnect from Microsoft Graph Disconnect-MgGraph Write-Host "Permissions check completed."