Effortlessly Export Active Directory Group Members with PowerShell

In this post, we will introduce a PowerShell script that simplifies the process of exporting members of a specific Active Directory group. Managing group memberships is crucial for ensuring proper access control and compliance within your organization. This script allows administrators to quickly extract the list of users from a designated group and export it to a CSV file for easy review and reporting.
Here is the PowerShell script for exporting Active Directory group members:

# Import the Active Directory module
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
# Define the group name and output file
$groupName = "YourADGroup"  # Replace with your actual group name
$outputFile = "C:ReportsGroupMembers.csv"  # Path to save the report
# Retrieve group members
$groupMembers = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $groupName | Select-Object Name, SamAccountName, UserPrincipalName
# Export the members to a CSV file
$groupMembers | Export-Csv -Path $outputFile -NoTypeInformation
Write-Host "Group members for '$groupName' have been exported to $outputFile successfully."