Service Status Reporting Script

This PowerShell script provides a quick way to check the status of critical services on a Windows server. It is designed for system administrators who need to ensure that essential services are running smoothly. With a focus on reliability, this script integrates well with ServerEngine, allowing users to maintain optimal performance and troubleshoot issues more effectively. By receiving automated reports, administrators can promptly address any service interruptions.

param (
    [string[]]$servicesToMonitor = @("wuauserv", "bits", "spooler"),
    [string]$reportFilePath = "C:ServiceStatusReport.txt"
$serviceStatusReport = @()
foreach ($service in $servicesToMonitor) {
    $serviceInfo = Get-Service -Name $service -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($serviceInfo) {
        $status = $serviceInfo.Status
        $serviceStatusReport += "Service: $service | Status: $status"
    } else {
        $serviceStatusReport += "Service: $service | Status: Not Found"
# Output the report to a file
$serviceStatusReport | Out-File -FilePath $reportFilePath
Write-Output "Service status report has been generated at $reportFilePath."