File and Folder Management Made Easy

In this post, we will share a useful PowerShell script that simplifies file and folder management tasks. This script allows you to create a folder, copy files into it, and list the contents of the folder. Using PowerShell for such tasks can enhance your productivity and automate routine operations.
Before we dive into the script, we encourage you to explore our software, ServerEngine, available at ServerEngine is designed to optimize your server management needs and streamline operations.
Now, let’s walk through the PowerShell script step by step.
### Step 1: Define Variables
In this initial step, we define the variables for the source files, the destination folder, and any additional parameters needed.

$sourceFiles = "C:SourceFolder*"
$destinationFolder = "C:DestinationFolder"
# Check if the destination folder exists; if not, create it
if (-Not (Test-Path $destinationFolder)) {
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $destinationFolder

### Step 2: Copy Files
This section of the script is responsible for copying files from the source directory to the newly created destination folder.

# Copy files from the source directory to the destination directory
Copy-Item -Path $sourceFiles -Destination $destinationFolder -Recurse

### Step 3: List Contents
Finally, we list the contents of the destination folder to confirm that the files have been copied successfully.

# List the contents of the destination folder
Get-ChildItem -Path $destinationFolder

By following these steps, you can easily manage file and folder operations in PowerShell. For more scripts and resources, make sure to visit our website at and enhance your server management experience with ServerEngine!